Friday, 12 April 2013


I have been waiting forever to get my hands on Lime Crime's Velvetines. My lovely boyfriend bought me them the day they got re-stocked and they arrived at my house today! He got me one Suedeberry and one Red Velvet, but as I've only had them a day I chose to wear Suedeberry today. Therefore in this post I will be showing you Suedeberry on my lips and be reviewing that shade with a review on Red Velvet probably within the next week if not the next few days!

So, this is what they looked like when they arrived:

I love fairy tales and magical things so I love their brand logo of a unicorn, it's right up my street! Also the packaging of the Velvetines is super cute! 

This is what the bottle looks like, it is similar to that of a lip gloss and it is applied the same way:

The product itself is a liquid but dries to a matte stain that has barely any transfer at all. 

This is what it looked like when I first applied it:

As you can see the colour is so intense and there is no bleeding of colour either.

This is what it looked like after 3 hours wear:

As you can see there have been no smudges as the colour is still absolutely perfect.

I decided to take a photo for you 6 hours later. The light is a bit different as it had to be artificial  but you can still see how much the product has stayed on my lips:

Although the rest of my make up has started to come off (for example my concealer coming off showing my dark circles) the Velvetine is still on my lips and still as opaque and perfect as it was 6 hours ago.

I love this product so much, I can't wait to wear Red Velvet next! It was definitely worth the wait for more stock and I don't want to be without it again. It stopped me having to re-apply any lipstick and I pretty much forgot I was wearing it because my lips felt like they had nothing on them! A must buy!

Have you tried either of the Velvetines? Apparently there's a purple shade happening in the Autumn which I'm super excited about!

Amanda xx

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