Friday 12 April 2013

T Zone Spot Zapping Stick

I just had to do a post about this little gem of a product!

I'm quite lucky that I don't really get spots and this is probably due to my dry skin, however when I do get one they tend to be at the worst times and I'm praying that they disappear. This usually doesn't work of course so when I was shopping at my local Home Bargains a few weeks ago I spotted the T Zone Spot Zapping Stick.

It has a roller ball tip for easy and targeted application, you literally just roll it around over the affected area. It contains Manuka Honey, Tea Tree, White Willow Bark, Vitamin C and Salicylic Acid which all help to reduce the appearance and redness of a spot. I have used this many times and I honestly wonder how I coped without it. It claims to get to work in 4 hours which I think is true as I usually apply before bed and wake up to much better skin with the spot being significantly reduced in size and redness. I think I paid about 89p in Home Bargains for this product so if you visit one soon keep an eye out! I am also pretty sure I spotted it in Superdrug when I was shopping last week but it was around £4-£5.

Amanda xx

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